The Sports for Transformation Fellowship teaches in a way that mixes learning in a classroom with real-life experiences. It talks about things like how to run sports events, lead teams, work with people in communities, and make plans for projects that use sports to help people.
The way the program is organized lets the fellows work on actual projects in communities. This way, they can use what they learned and get better at important skills needed for leading sports activities and making communities better
Qualifications needed for community sports fellowship
We are looking for youth between the ages of 20-25, who have passion and commitment towards our movement that places every child’s right to play and learn at the heart of what we do.
In order to be eligible for the fellowship, you must be an Indian citizen, and must have graduated with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree by June/July 2025.
Our group will include young people from many different backgrounds. We invite youths of all social and educational experiences to apply. Those who have experience leading in sports, coaching, or have played sports at the district or state level are especially welcome, but it's not a must.
Please go through the following before applying for the fellowship.कृपया फेलोशिप के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले निम्नलिखित बिंदुओं को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें:
1. The applications are open only for Indian nationals between the age 20-25. आवेदन केवल 20-25 वर्ष की आयु के बीच के भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए खुले हैं।
2. The Sports for Transformation Fellowship is a full-time 6 day/week, two-year fellowship program from June 2025 to May 2027. स्पोर्ट्स फॉर ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन फेलोशिप एक पूर्णकालिक (6 दिन/सप्ताह) दो-वर्षीय फेलोशिप कार्यक्रम है, जो जून 2025 से मई 2027 तक चलेगा।
3. Only graduates or students graduating by May 2025 are eligible to apply.केवल वही उम्मीदवार आवेदन करने के लिए पात्र हैं, जो स्नातक हैं या मई 2025 तक अपनी स्नातक शिक्षा पूरी कर लेंगे।
4. The fellowship will be based in Kapadwanj, Gujarat, and there is no option to opt for it in online mode.यह फेलोशिप कपडवंज, गुजरात में स्थित है और इसे ऑनलाइन मोड में करने का कोई विकल्प उपलब्ध नहीं है।
5. A monthly stipend of ₹20,000 will be paid to each fellow during the course of the fellowship. Additionally, the accommodation of the fellows will be taken care by Dani Sports Foundation.फेलोशिप के दौरान प्रत्येक फेलो को प्रति माह ₹20,000 का वजीफा दिया जाएगा। इसके अतिरिक्त, फेलो के रहने की व्यवस्था दानी स्पोर्ट्स फाउंडेशन द्वारा की जाएगी।
6. We kindly ask that you refrain from using or copying answers generated by Artificial Intelligence, as such responses will not be considered. हम आपसे निवेदन करते हैं कि कृपया AI से बने उत्तरों का उपयोग या नकल न करें, क्योंकि ऐसे उत्तरों को स्वीकार नहीं किया जाएगा।
Annually based
Gujarat , India
Gujarat , India