Praja Fellowship


Offline (In Lucknow, in office of Directorate of Urban Local Bodies Office, Sector 7 Gomti Nagar Lucknow 226002) 


Full Time (30 hours a week) Paid Fellowship * Duration is calculated based on hours: 30 hours per week for 8 months extended up to 10 months. 


 a) Research Works: 

  • Study of Government Acts, Schemes and Policies
  • Conducting research (on-field and secondary) to enrich the insights on the municipal finance, urban governance reforms, corporation procedure rules.
  • Assisting in Municipal Finance and Urban governance research to Urban Development Department, Uttar Pradesh and Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Uttar Pradesh
  • One-on-one interactions with various government departments and meet admins for various research related works and clarifications.
  • To assist and work on data processing like - data Collection, data entry, data checking and translation
  • Analysis of data - report writing and content writing
  • Research Dissemination for their outreach; designing, writing and publishing of report.
  • Dissemination of the report to Media and Media calling for press conference
  • Attending the press conferences/ state consultation/ roundtables
  • Travel within the city and if necessary, outstation as required for the research purposes.

b) Outreach Works: 

  • To conduct one-on-one advisory consultation with administration and Elected Representatives of city and state government
  • To collect queries from the administration and elected representative make data sets for answering these doubts with the help of Praja team
  • Enable ERs to understand the Municipal Corporation Act and other issues through Workshops which may involve travel to different cities (along with other Praja team members)
  • To help the Elected Representatives framing of questions/letters
  • To plan and organise Capacity Building workshops for elected representatives with the help of Praja coordinators
  • One-on-one advisory consultation with Administration to disseminate reports (Urban Development Department, Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Uttar Pradesh and other Urban Local Bodies in Uttar Pradesh)
  • To plan and organise Capacity Building workshops for Admins with the help of Praja team
  • To disseminate Praja’s reports with Citizens (Youth and CSOs)
  • To reach out to colleges for promotion of Praja’s different activities
  • To plan, organise and deliver the capacity building workshops in colleges and CSOs
  • To plan and coordinate Prajatantra- National Youth Festival

c) Reports: 

  • Fellows have to report in Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Uttar Pradesh office regularly to coordinate with Praja team
  • Maintain weekly schedule and keep the coordinator informed throughout the week
  • Status for each meeting (if any) to be shared with Praja team and with timely updates on the field progress for the day
  • Timely weekly and monthly report submission
  • Prepare and submit meeting report
  • Prepare and submit Travel report timely
  • At the end of the fellowship contribute to the Fellowship Compendium


  • Passionate about democracy and urban governance
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Creative, analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Basic proficiency in MS-Office (Excel, Word and Power Point)
  • Accessibility of personal computer or laptop and vehicle to travel to office regularly

Other Points: 

  • Fellows will be a part of several Capacity Building program for self-learning, Fellows will have to attend Weekly, Monthly and any other meeting arranged for you.
  • Fellows will have to be present physically for the Prajatantra grand finale that would also involve travel and stay for the event.
  • As you know Praja is working in different cities of Uttar Pradesh, Fellows will also assist the person responsible for these cities.
  • Fellowship involves extensive travel and Praja encourages usage of public transport.



Annually based


Uttar Pradesh , India

Job Benefits
Health Insurance Paid Time Off
Job Overview
Job Posted:
2 months ago
Job Type
Job Role
Bachelor Degree
Total Vacancies

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Uttar Pradesh , India