TribesforGOOD is a new-age platform, Asia’s first social impact platform for Gen Z & Gen Alpha that helps you discover; learn and contribute to issues that you care about while bridging the talent gap for social enterprises. By combining training from grassroots innovators, we help you make a positive social impact. Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Mumbai, TribesforGOOD is simplifying the journey of a potential changemaker. Our overarching mission involves the establishment of a network of Micro Influencers localized within neighborhoods, harmoniously converging their efforts to combat issues of local, regional, and national importance. Tribes for GOOD is a community that thrives on the incredible potential of individual activism. We're here to celebrate Gen Z who are ready to take their passion to the next level. Whether you're dreaming of cleaner streets, empowered youth, or a more sustainable world, we have got you covered.
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