Piramal School of Health aims at building a nationwide human centred and compassionate public health system by unlocking #Seva_Bhaav in leaders and public healthcare providers/officials. #SOH envisages a three-pronged approach of #Self_Transformation leading to #System_Transformation and #Societal_Transformation. It embarks on the following modes of functioning: ➡️Self-Transformation and Sewa Bhaav Triggering the ‘Agency to Serve’ among public health officials and healthcare providers, unlocking human potential through Self-transformation and Sewa Bhaav. ➡️Developing Transformative Leaders for Sustainable Change Strengthening health system facilities, functionaries & institutions optimizing their processes, practices, and governance by developing Compassionate Health System Leaders and ‘Middle Managers’. ➡️Addressing System Challenges through Systems Thinking The five SOH pillars, leveraging strong inter-pillar collaboration, critical synergies, and systems thinking address government health system challenges through: ➡️Leadership Development: Leadership development of select cohorts of health officials and health service providers who are undergoing technical trainings. ➡️Organizational Development: Augment state capacity by institutionalizing the curriculum developed across pillars through SIHFW / other training institutes for sustainability, and gender sensitization for health system leaders and service providers ➡️Medical Services Support in bridging the gaps in HR availability and R&R across health facilities. ➡️Quality Improvement Institutionalizing a culture of continuous quality improvement; and ➡️Public Health Services Public Health trainings for the Public Health Management Cadre --------------------------------