Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community provides a loving home and quality education to local children who are first generation learners. Jhamtse Gatsal is a right living laboratory to practice the principles of love and compassion in raising and educating our children through an integrated educational model which nurtures the heart, mind and body of children and adults. We aspire to live mindful and sustainable lives in tune with local practices as well as grow some of our own food organically and harness solar energy to power some of our buildings. Currently, the Community has 100+ children who are studying in Classes PreK to 12 as well as graduates who are studying in colleges across the country. The Community is located in the remote foothills of the Himalayas in the Tawang District of Arunachal Pradesh near the Bhutan and Tibet borders. The Emmy winning documentary “Tashi and the Monk” showcases the life and work at Jhamtse Gatsal.
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