India’s no. 1 provider of clinical family planning services in the private and non-government sectors since 2015. Foundation for Reproductive Health Services India is a leading Indian Non-Governmental Organisation working since 2009 to enable women and girls to exercise their reproductive rights and choice. FRHS India is an affiliate of MSI Reproductive Choices, a global organisation that provides contraception and safe abortion services through multiple channels – own clinics, clinical outreach teams, and providing public sector support to Government family planning services. Through public-private partnerships with the state governments of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, we work towards improvement in accessibility and availability of quality family planning services in the states. Our Services - Contraception: FRHS India ensures that women and girls, including the most marginalised, have access to comprehensive, affordable, and modern contraceptive methods. Every client receives counselling to enable them to freely choose the most appropriate method to meet their needs. FRHS India provides the full range of contraceptive methods: short-term contraception, long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), permanent contraception (tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men), and emergency contraception. - Safe Abortion: FRHS India’s clinics provide two safe methods of abortion: surgical and medical methods. Surgical abortions are provided using manual vacuum aspiration and medical abortions using a combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. In addition, we provide post-abortion contraceptive services too. - Policy & Advocacy: We work in partnership with stakeholders to improve the policy environment towards enabling women to exercise their reproductive rights and choices. FRHS India currently hosts the Secretariat for the Pratigya Campaign for Gender Equality and Safe Abortion.
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